And Now Some Sad News
Posted by Ben on 2009-04-01
Well folks, I’m sorry to say this, but I have some bad news. Due to the mounting expenses of the website, a lack of a job, a down turn in the economy, increasing gambling debts, car bills, housing bills, book bills, duck bills and dollar bills, we’re going to have to make this a pay site. Yes, yes I know, it sucks, but the 10 dollars a month it takes to host this site is just getting too expensive. And since I’m too lazy to go out and actually get a job, I’m going to just start charging you guys to use this site.
BUT…but but but, don’t worry, the front page will still be free. And the archives will still be available for the low low price of just 2 dollars a comic. Wait, I’m sorry, I meant 20 dollars per page. Or, if you prefer just email any one of us your card credit card number, expiration date, full name, and security code on the back of the card. It’s totally secure! We’ll simply charge 2,000 dollars to the card, and you’ll get unlimited acess to all parts of the Dubious Company Website for a full year. So overall, you guys won’t notice a difference…other than needing to shell out a modest amount of money to get the full version of the site.
On that note, I’m also going to have to resign from being the author of this site. You see, I have a crippling addiction to World Of Warcraft, and rather than address the issue, I think it’s easier to just give up all my other hobbies to feed this addiction. As such I’m going to give all the writing duties to my good friend Tim, the webmaster. Don’t worry, he’s a good enough writer.
Sadly Tim is also addicted to WoW. In fact he’s the one that got me into the game. So HE’S passing all his duties over to Tria. Tria, as far as we know, is not addicted to WoW…but we’re trying to change that.
Anyway, I guess the point is, Dubious Company may be going through some changes, but you shouldn’t notice too much of a difference. At least I won’t notice anything. Other than more time to play World of Warcraft. Oh and suddenly making a lot of money (Hopefully? Please?)
Oh yes, one last thing. It appears to be April 1st. Happy April Fools guys. Now, if you’ll excuse me, the pirate penguins are in my room, and they need to be driven off before they steal all my bricks.