Heeeeeere's Tria!
Posted by Elaine on 2009-08-29
Go me, making a movie reference to a movie I have never, and never will, see. (I don’t like scary things). But the wedding is over, and now I’m preparing for my move to Japan (which will take place in November instead of January, wheeee~). No fears, we’ll keep doing the comic ^_^ In fact, I’m planning to get WAY ahead for November in case I don’t have internet right away. Along with the comic, I’m getting the pictures for the character pages done (sloooowly) and, yes.
If you’re interested in wedding stuff, I made a small collage if you’d like to see: http://triaelf9.deviantart.com/art/Wedding-Dress-135013596
I’m also thinking of doing a blog while in Japan. Would any of you be interested to hear about my adventures over there? I just want to see if I have a big enough audience, then I’ll probably make one. Well, hope you all are enjoying the comic, even if there is no skimpy clothing, and hope you keep coming back for more! (oh and bring your friends :P ) ~Tria