Upcoming Fall Con Schedule
Posted by Ben on 2012-08-01
Upcoming Con Schedule
Alright, getting some confirmations coming in with various conventions. First up is Geek Girl Con on August 11 and 12 (sorry for the short warning). In addition to our usual table partner (Jake from Modest Medusa) we’re going to have a particularly awesome person helping us out at the booth for that con, so if you guys can make it, it’ll be completely worthwhile (I’ll let her introduce herself if she wishes).
After that we’re basically hopping a plane immediately to Gen Con. Going to admit, that’s a bit of a weird con for us. I’m actually going mostly to play games, but I’ve also signed up to game-master several sessions, so look for Ben Hsu with Games on Demand if you’d like to see what I have to offer (sadly, we don’t have a Dubious Company Game yet, we’ll have to play other things).
At any rate, that’s all the info I have right now, as always, hope to see you all there!