Writing Problems
Posted by Ben on 2006-08-04
I lied, I’m just a big liar. I said I wouldn’t bug you guys about
random stuff in this rant space, but you know what? I’m tired of
staring at the constantly unchanging rant space each week. Also, it’s
my rant space, so I’m going to use it as I please and you’re all going
to like it. Or just ignore it; it’s not like you have to read these
to understand the comic.
Anyway, before I started the comic I had a couple of other stories
going – normal fiction stories. Just recently, I found myself with a
bit of extra time and I thought I might try to start those up again.
So, I sat down and started writing again, and I realized something.
I suck. I mean I really, really suck. The world has yet to determine
the depths of my suckage at writing now. While I wasn’t really that
impressive of a writer before hand, almost a year of writing in
nothing but dialogue bits has degraded me to a 4th grade writing
It’s not really a writer’s block, I wish I had that problem. No, I
have plenty of ideas; they all just come out like the insane rantings
of a mental patient. It either doesn’t make sense, or it puts me to
sleep, while I’m writing it.
No problem, that just means I can focus all my creative juices (mmm,
squishy!) on the comic right? Well, see, that’s the thing is, I
noticed, as you may have noticed that Tria has been drawing everything
chibi lately. Not really a big deal, we’re not really running a
serious comic here, but I do miss the old, more realistic, drawings
she used to do. So, I asked her about it. Easiest way of doing
things, if you want to know something, ask.
Apparently I’m writing too much for the comic, she can’t fit
everything in UNLESS she draws it chibi. So, if you don’t like the
change in the art style, you can blame me. But, that also means, in
order to get the comic art back to what it was I need to write less.
I’m going to keep the same about of strips, I’m just going to cram
less words in per strip.
So, expect the writing quality to go down slightly for a bit while I
get used to the writing style and the art quality to improve, as Tria
gets used to my new writing style. If the art doesn’t go back to
normal, bring it up with Tria.
On another note, if anyone can get me like two extra hours a day to
get my story writing done in, I’d love it.