We Be Leavin'
Posted by Ben on 2007-05-07
<p>Well, looks like we have a lot of new viewers. Welcome, welcome all and thanks for your wonderful feedback, stick around it only gets better.</p>
<p>Except for next week. Tria and I are both heading out to Acen to enjoy a weekend's worth of anime convention debauchery. While full of awesomeness, this also means we won't have time to put together next weeks comic, but we'll be back to our regular schedule right after that.</p>
<p>Sadly, I don't think Dubious Company is quite popular enough to have its own table, or panel, but Tria does have space with a friend's art table in Artist's Alley. So if you're around stop on by, take a look at her work, and buy a commission. As for me, I'm going to be wandering around lost and possibly drunk on rum.</p>