This is an Automated Message
Posted by Ben on 2007-05-13
Tria and I currently aren't in right now. We're either busy with school, work or fighting back against the horrible aliens from outer space. If you'd like to leave us a message please feel free to email us at the appropriate emails given under the "contact us" link. Once again, we here at Dubious Company appreciate your patronage.
Seriously, though, as said there won't be a comic this week because both Tria and I will be running around Anime Central (or Acen as it's more commonly called). Sadly we're going there as attendee's rather than guests; Dubious Company isn't that popular...yet.
Anyway, as I said before Tria will have an art table set up in Artist's Alley, and I'll probably be wandering about and stopping by to check on her every once and awhile. So if you're in town stop by and say hi...and buy something from her, she needs monies.
Now, if you've been reading the comic for a while you know I'm obsessively compulsive about getting you guys a comic every week, even if it's one of Tim's craptacular MSpaint works. So, this week we're giving you the comic that Tria spent countless hours drawing up. This is the comic we're handing out to folks who stop by Tria's table at the con, but I felt bad that those who couldn't make it were missing out, so here it is.
We'll hopefully be back to our regular schedule next week and I'll give you a full con report if anything interesting happens. But I'm leaving out the part where I get drunk and embarrass myself in front of a cute girl.
PS: Er...ignore the bit about me being drunk on rum and poorly hitting on a cute girl, I was kidding, really.