Midterms are over!

Posted by Elaine on 2008-11-13

But does that mean I’m free of large amounts of homework? Far from it! My three classes are either reading intensive or writing intensive. And when I say intensive, I mean “Hey, here’s the Pillow Book. read it all by next class!” “But…I have other homework, lots of reading and two papers to write, one of which is for your class…” “what? I didn’t quite hear you. you have OTHER classes? NOOOOO, lies and slander.” And that is how ALL my classes go. every teacher thinks his/her class is the ONLY one you have. Granted, the Harry Potter class is awesome, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. But yes. Tagalong says the comic have been awesome, but I feel like I’m slipping a little b/c of stress, soooo, if you think so at all, I am sorry. The updating twice a week hasn’t killed me yet, but then again, it’s not the week before finals. AHAHAHAH… Oh the stress. Hopefully we should have character pages up soon, at least all the main characters (will be colored) by the end of this year. Then you all will have colored references for all the cosplays you’ll be doing! Right? Riiiiiiiiiigght? So yeah, hopefully there should be some good pictures coming up in future comics… I’m thinking of doing scenes with the characters in color, but I don’t have any ideas really. Or time, but meh. If anyone has any scenes they might like drawn, or just any words of encouragement, do email me… I like to hear if I’m doing things right, or if there’s stuff I could work on, or at least that my art is entertaining SOMEONE ^_^ And I bet the author would love to hear from you all. So, off I go to do more homework, not be poisoned by school food, and to not catch the horrible plague that appears to be going around, and around, and around. ~Tria